Dataconomy Career Opportunities Newsletter

Intel, Microsoft, IBM, Zalando, SAP, Porsche, BMW, Scout24, Siemens, citi, Nielsen, Adobe, Merck, Carrefour, etc.
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Featured Jobs
Data Scientist at MoneyMap

Do you love tackling complex problems? Are you excited about analysing large data sets? Do you have impeccable attention to detail? Look no further! We’re looking for a Data Scientist (m/f) to join our team.

MoneyMap optimizes personal finance and brings transparency into its customers' running costs, cancels overpriced contracts and switches to more economic providers - without any paperwork

Software Engineer (f/m) as Startup Co-Founder

We are seeking for the foundation of our start-up company, suprAIme health, in the Berlin/Brandenburg region, a software engineer as co-founder and staff member.

The goal of suprAIme health is to optimize the treatment after traumatic brain and spinal cord injury. Our product will be a virtual medical assistant which employs big data analysis of medical records and patient histories.  The core component will be an artificial intelligence based on IBM’s Watson technology which offers the customer a selection with the best treatment alternatives along with risk predictions.


Data Standards Project Lead
£50,000 - £60,000 (plus contributory pension 3-5%)

The Data Standards Lead is a key post, created specifically to lead and manage a major stream of work to develop a reference architecture (a common Data Standard) for the UK social housing sector.

UK social housing suffers from poor data management, a lack of integrated systems and massive barriers to market entry by new technology and data suppliers. This imposes significant costs on the sector, which are only now starting to be acknowledged. The successful introduction of basic data standards and reference architecture for housing providers will, open up data analytics and customer insight in the sector and over time provide a range of financial, strategic and regulatory benefits to housing providers.


New Data Science Jobs


Data Engineer (m/f) for a new FinTech Venture - Finleap
Senior Data Engineer (f/m) - solarisBank AG
Research Engineer - Data Science (Senior) - Zalando SE
(Associate) Data Scientist for Deep Learning Center of Excellence Job - SAP
Data Scientist - Machine Learning Engineer (f/m) - Scout24
Datenanalyst/in Produktions- und Produktdaten - Porsche AG
Healthcare Business Data Scientist (m/f) - Siemens
Spezialist Data Scientist Digitale Prozesse (w/m) - BMW Group


Data Scientist/Machine Learning Engineer - Intel
Statistician R, SAS-AML Optimization - citi
Data Scientist - Microsoft
Intern, Data Science - Nielsen
Data Insights Analyst Intern - Adobe


Data Scientist sur les Systèmes Cognitives - IBM
Data Scientist M/F - Merck 
Lead Data Scientist - Carrefour

Upcoming Networking Events



Big Data, Luxembourg

Join us for an evening of exciting talks from Data Science Industry leaders and experts, followed by enough time for a few beers, pizza and networking. We look forward to seeing you there! Register via Eventbrite! If you would like to get in touch with us for getting involved, please write

The post Big Data, Luxembourg appeared first on Dataconomy.


Big Data, Paris v 6.0

Join us for an evening of exciting talks from Data Science Industry leaders and experts, followed by enough time for a few beers, pizza and networking. We look forward to seeing you there! Register via Eventbrite! If you would like to get in touch with us for getting involved, please write

The post Big Data, Paris v 6.0 appeared first on Dataconomy.


Big Data, San Francisco v 2.0

Join us for an evening of exciting talks from Data Science Industry leaders and experts, followed by enough time for a few beers, pizza and networking. We look forward to seeing you there! Register via Eventbrite! If you would like to get in touch with us for getting involved, please write

The post Big Data, San Francisco v 2.0 appeared first on Dataconomy.

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