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This Week in Data


Big data basics for tech beginners

Despite big data currently ranking among top business intelligence and data analytics trends, businesses continue to suffer from a lack of data-savvy talent. Research from BARC shows half of respondents reporting a lack of analytical or technical know-how for big data analytics. This is good news for tech beginners, however,

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5 Awesome Data Science Subscriptions To Keep You Informed

If you ask a data scientist how to start or advance your data career, one of the first things they might tell you is to read. Not the answer you’d expect? You’d be surprised! The rapidly evolving nature of data science calls for professionals to keep a close eye on

The post 5 Awesome Data Science Subscriptions To Keep You Informed appeared first on Dataconomy.


Taking Back Ownership of Your Data

The internet has long been a consummate environment for collecting immense amounts of data from large swathes of the population. With the increased use of cookies and other data mining tools, the internet is, essentially, a bottomless trove of useful data. This collected information is highly prized by companies and marketers, who

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How Big Data Is Revolutionizing Sports

Imagine you’re a quarterback and you’ve just stepped off the field. Your team has lost. You could look at it as a failure and call it a day – or you could look at it as an opportunity to improve. How? Embedded in your jersey are sensors that have tracked

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Why You Need Python Machine Learning to Build a Recommendation System

Recommendation systems are ever-present in our lives today. The largest web giants – such as Google, Facebook and Amazon – use algorithms to help you find search results most relevant to you, based on your previous searches and similar data from other users. In fact, pretty much any platform that has

The post Why You Need Python Machine Learning to Build a Recommendation System appeared first on Dataconomy.


Time Series Data: A Difficult Yet Tameable Beast

It seems like every quarter a new McKinsey report predicts that this will be the year trillions of dollars of IoT potential is unlocked. But while the amount of data IoT produces has skyrocketed, we’re still waiting for that return on investment. The good news is, the reports aren’t wrong.

The post Time Series Data: A Difficult Yet Tameable Beast appeared first on Dataconomy.


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