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This Week in Data


Seizing Opportunities with Data-as-a-Service Products


We’ve published a white paper, where we look back at the big data and business intelligence trends over the past years and highlight examples of successful Data-as-a-Service products with deep dives into Social Media Monitoring, Self-Service BI and Visual Data Discovery and Analytics Merging the Physical and Virtual Worlds, complete with lessons

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What Does Trust Mean in IoT? – IoT-EPI Challenge


On a sunny Friday morning, the IoT-EPI Challenge started bright and early at 9 AM (which is quite early, for Berlin standards) with an introductory talk for the participants and the media to get the rundown of the day. This wasn’t a typical idea-hackathon. Collaboration was key. The goal was

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“Collaboration is the key for transformation” – Open Innovation at the IoT-EPI Meet & Greet


Collaboration and innovation go hand in hand, and are based in transcending frontiers – physical, technological, economical, you name it. Open innovation is one of the ways in which Europe can secure global competitiveness. The H2020 research and innovation program is the EU’s financial instrument to achieve this, and within

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How Augmented Intelligence Helps Businesses Grow


It used to be a maxim that expanding too fast was the quickest way to kill a successful business. Rapid growth brings risks as well as opportunities. But utilizing augmented intelligence, an already-popular technology which surfaces patterns in data without humans having to look at it, means that organizations can

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Data Science vs. Data Analytics – Why Does It Matter?


Data Science, Data Analytics, Data Everywhere Jargon can be downright intimidating and seemingly impenetrable to the uninformed. While complicated vernacular is an unfortunate side effect of the similarly complicated world of machines, those involved in computers, data and whole host of other tech-intensive sectors don’t do themselves any favors with

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How Big Data Can Transform B2B Sales and Marketing


Managing your relationships with customers, suppliers, and partners and constantly improving their experience is a proven way to build a sustainable and profitable business, and contrary to popular assumption, this doesn’t apply to B2C businesses only. With 89% of B2B research studies using the internet during the internet research process,

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Upcoming Events



Big Data, Copenhagen


Join us for an evening of exciting talks from Data Science Industry leaders and experts, followed by enough time for few beers, pizza and networking. We look forward to seeing you there! If you would like to get in touch with us for getting involved, please write us an email:

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Love to the Front: Germany’s First LGBTI Hackathon

Fb cover

Do you care strongly about a specific challenge that LGBTI communities face? Parental rights, finding a partner, equal marriage, discrimination, hate crimes? Do you have any ideas how to solve those challenges using technology? Disrupt the tech industry and fill it up with unicorny innovations at the first LGBTI Hackathon

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Big Data, Amsterdam v 7.0


Join us for an evening of exciting talks from Data Science Industry leaders and experts, followed by enough time for a few beers, pizza and networking. We look forward to seeing you there! Register via Eventbrite! If you would like to get in touch with us for getting involved, please write

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