This Week in Data
Smart classrooms aren’t too far off, and blockchain technology may become an integral part of schools all over the globe in a few years. But how will this system help administrators and students? Bitcoin is the most well-known virtual currency in the world, at one time reaching a value of
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Here is why Data Scientists need to think like a behavioural economist or psychologist when they communicate or story tell their insights. This helps companies to take concrete and bias-free decisions to acquire customers, retain employees and deal with managers within the organization. Picture this scenario: There are two investment
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Here is what a recent report says about job opportunities for Data Scientists across Europe including salaries and benefits, job motivations, programming languages used, tech skills and what people want most from their work. Glassdoor names “Data Scientist” as the best job in the United States for 2019 and LinkedIn
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Here is what “The State of European Tech 2018”, a data-driven analytical report by Atomico reveals about the factors that are accelerating the growth of tech in the European economy The comparison of Europe’s tech scene with Silicon Valley in the U.S and Asia (particularly China) has been a topic
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Blockchain technology can power an open DNA data marketplace that drives a new wave of genomics research to transform precision medicine and the treatment of rare diseases. Humanity is at the very beginning of a tremendously exciting era of precision medicine. The cost of genome sequencing a person has already
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When we need to measure marketing campaigns, most of us have cracked online campaign tracking – we have a cookie or a user ID that we can use to clearly track user behaviour through to conversions, and develop robust datasets. But out in the offline world, there are powerful channels
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