Dedicated Newsletter Alexandra DS

What if I told you that there's a way to save two years of work in just three days?
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Even if you don't have a new year's resolution, there is never a bad time to hone new skills, especially ones that help you grow and develop your career. We’re starting our 2017 workshop series with an event that is, very fittingly, all about fresh starts.

12 years of learning in a nutshell

The Internet of Things (IoT) is shaping the way that enterprises and consumers interact with machines and devices. AI, VR, healthcare and industrial IoT are only the newest directions that IoT is taking in 2017.

This February 24-26, 2017, we will host an intensive 3-day IoT workshop with IoT veteran Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino. She is going to give you the tools you need to build a business that offers software and internet-enabled product experiences.

2 years' worth of work for an amazing price

You’ll gain a realistic understanding of how much money you need to invest, how much time you have to spend, and who you want to work with.

The workshop will cover:
  • Planning and Prototyping
  • Beta testing and Production
  • Engaging with wholesale and retailers
  • Intellectual property, business structures & investment
The IoT weekend with @iotwatch includes individualized lessons, feedback and design sessions, and group discussions, designed to give you an all-encompassing view of the road that lies ahead.
Get the tools you need to make your idea a reality, and the community you need to support it. Meeting other entrepreneurs is essential to a journey which at times can feel really isolating.

Who should come?
EntrepreneursProduct designersIoT developers
Business ownersStartupsStudents 
Companies building IoT products
This is perfect for you if you already have a product idea you’re looking to develop, or if your business is looking to spin off a product idea

Who is Alexandra?
- Interaction designer, product designer, and entrepreneur based in London.
- Founder of Tinker London and Good Night Lamp
- Director of designswarm
- #2 Top 100 Internet of Things Thought Leaders and Top 100 Influential Tech Women on Twitter
- Runs the London Internet of Things meetup since 2011, world's 2nd largest IoT meetup.
You might know her from her inspiring talk at Data Natives 2016, from Twitter, or from the pieces about IoT that she's written for Dataconomy:
Mobile phones have a lot to answer for
3 days to save you 2 years
Why building an IoT product isn't like anything else
This workshop gives you an amazing chance to learn how to start a successful IoT career, and not spend 12 years of your life doing so. Click here for more information on dates, schedule, and prices.
Don't miss this unique opportunity to build your product with one of the world's leading IoT experts!
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Contacts us at 
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