DN Berlin 2017 4 Trends in 4 Industries


Dear Data Natives,

As you well know, tech is constantly forging new and exciting professional paths! The Data Natives 2017 Conference will be unpacking the major trends and opportunities to come in a range of different industries:

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FinTech: Bitcoin
Bitcoin seems to be the hottest topic in the internet circles for 2017. Seek a more realistic picture of the bitcoin phenomenon from industry experts such as Nasir Zubairi and Trent McConaughy who comprise our speaker rooster. Learn the key aspects of Bitcoin’s success and see what the future holds for blockchain’s biggest financial story. 

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HealthTech: Patient-Generated Health Data (PGHD)
Patient-Generated Health Data (PGHD) is growing in importance thanks in large part to wearable devices that monitor bodily activity. These tech developments have caused the amount and the quality of patient information to surge. Expect a fascinating talk by speakers such as Bart de Witte, Director of Digital Health at IBM DACH and Hannes Dahnke, Head of Data Analytic at Philips Healthcare DACH based on public anonymous PGHD which will define the future of diseases, hospitals and patient/doctor relationship. 


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Mobility: Data-Driven Businesses in the Auto-Industry
Data Natives has set up a robust panel of experts from industry leaders such as Porsche, innovative startups such as predict.io and German Autolabs to discuss “How to build a data driven business" and connected cars among other topics. Fabian Werner and Stanislaw Schmal from the Data Analytics team of Lufthansa will discuss how they work with data science at work. 

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GovTech: GDPR
General data privacy regulation is going to have a huge impact on an array of companies in the coming years. Will you be ready when it’s rolled out in May, 2018? Those interested in what’s coming, should check out the Data Natives panel on the matter including speakers such as the highly prolific Alexandra Deschamps Sonsino and Katharine Jarmul

These are only a few of the many game-changing trends out there that we will be discussing in the upcoming Data Natives Conference 2017!

Stay tuned - the conference agenda will be announced next week. Secure your seat today and get your 15% discount before the 30th of September

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