FTR4H & Article (2nd)


Dear Data Natives,

As you well know, Data Natives is teaming up with FTR4H as an official community partner for their healthcare alliance at SXSW!

What happens when you combine knowledge of Big Data, AI, Machine Learning and Blockchain with innovations in the healthcare industry?

 ...Don't miss your chance to find out! Join us in our upcoming US Tour, focused on bringing cutting edge healthtech insights to hubs across America. 


For this tour, we're excited to be partnering with FTR4H: an international community that explores how digital transformation is impacting the healthcare industry. It connects digital health experts in China, Europe, India, Israel and the US with the community of the leading trade fair MEDICA.

The meetups will be a prelude to our bumper-sized FTR4H@SXSW edition that take will place in Austin March 8-12, 2019. At last year's SXSW, FTR4H brought together more than 30 speakers and 600 attendees- not to mention the tremendous exposure to people and ideas one gets just by being at SXSW.

Our US tour dates are....    

Join FT4H on its SXSW Pre-tour in the US!

We're pleased to be joined on tour by a host of healthtech experts who are pushing the boundaries of how we live, heal and improve our wellbeing.
Highlights include:
  •  Joseph Curcio, Cofounder/CEO of KinAptic, a VR system for stroke rehabiliation, recently added to Bayer's accelerator programme 
  • Rick McCartney, CEO ofiRewardHealth, an adaptive wellness programme fuelled by machine learning
  •  Alex Frieden, the Bioinformatics Lead at Brigham and Women's Hospital, who is responsible for overseeing the analytics team for the Center for Cancer Genome Discovery at DFCI and Center for Advanced Molecular Diagnostics

If you are interested in joining our rockstar lineup of health speakers, please register your interest on the Typeform below by September 20th.
I want to speak!
See you soon,

The Data Natives Team


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