Over the last few months, a large part of our community has reached out and asked for help to get their data science career started. Today, we’re thrilled to introduce the Dataconomy Career Opportunities newsletter.
The Right Way to Start Your Week
Every Monday, you’ll get a digest of the 10 most exciting openings for Data Scientists and Data Analysts straight to your inbox. Additionally, you’ll be able to browse all of our job offerings and partner companies by visiting the Dataconomy Career Opportunities website.
Get the sexiest job of the 21st century by following these three steps:
Opt in for the Dataconomy Career Opportunities newsletter
Add your details to our database and let us match you with the perfect employer
Follow @DataconomyJobs on Twitter
Getting your dream job can really be this simple. Stay tuned for the first Dataconomy Career Opportunities newsletter!
All the best,
Editor at Dataconomy.