Leveling up your career: living on a mission

Most days, a job is just a job. At Data Natives we also just commute to work, drink liters of coffee, get our daily tasks done and go back home. But every now and then we can get to wear our superhero capes.


Dear Data Natives,

Most days, a job is just a job. At Data Natives we also just commute to work, drink liters of coffee, get our daily tasks done and go back home. But every now and then we can get to wear our superhero capes. 

Our office is on a special mission to create opportunities for women in tech. Where would tech be in the future without all those amazing women out there? Read in this newsletter how our events turned out to be true matchmakers between inspiring businesses and tech talent and find an amazing discount on tickets to the Data Natives 2019 conference. 


She came for the talk, she left with a job

Internship at BodyTime, after meetup Big Data Berlin 17.0 in March 

While Delia came to our meetup in March for a WWF talk, the talk of Dr. Prateek Mahalwar really captured her attention. Using the networking opportunity of our meetups, she had a chat with him after. She got advice from Mahalwar and after she was motivated to apply for a position at the startup he is mentoring. There she will now join the research team to optimise the app's underlying chronobiological principles.

The meetup helped her in many ways, she tells and she felt welcome and at ease, even though she came alone to the meetup. One thing she learnt: "Although I didn't come looking for anything specific, I unexpectedly found just the right thing for me,” tells Delia. “The best thing is that the same can happen to anyone!”


"It is so interesting what Data Natives is doing!"

Just signed for a fulltime position at Supper & Supper, after getting in touch at the Data Natives conference.

Linda had just graduated from the TU Berlin when she decided to go to the Data Natives conference 2018 to network. She discovered many interesting companies, but data science consultancy company Supper & Supper stood out for her: “They showed me a booklet and I was interested in their projects, data analysis in the geo sector.” Linda was told they might need someone in six months. "But I didn’t want to wait for so long," she tells. "So I applied for an internship." Not long after, she was invited for tea with the CEO of the company and got a parttime position offered. “Last week I signed my fulltime contract,” she says.  

At the conference it was easy for Linda to meet people: “At first I felt a bit shy, but through people I knew I met other people and so it was easy to talk to the next person.” After her success at the conference she now also regularly joins Data Natives meetups: "It is so interesting what Data Natives is doing!"


Bring your creative and innovative self to the Data Natives conference with a 15% discount 

At Data Natives we celebrate the 21st of April: the World Creativity and Innovation day. Our conference is all about shaping the future with creative and innovative tech. As a gift to you on this special day, we proudly present you with a 15% discount on conference tickets this weekend. 

Use this code: DN19_WORLDINNOVDAY

So go ahead and treat yourself to a ticket, while you enjoy a long and sunny Easter weekend.

This spring, it is your time to shine 

We would love to meet you sooner, so join us in your city for a great networking opportunity, as well as inspiring talks, a beer and a bite. Secure your spot for our free event below: 

LONDON- 30 April



BERLIN- 23 May 

See you soon,

The Data Natives Team
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