Love Letter from Space

Dear Data Natives,

Greetings from Data Natives HQ! We've finally come back down to Earth after DN18, filled with new ideas and insights from every corner of the tech world.

Speaking of coming back to earth: we hope you all had a chance to delve into IBM's universe at DN18! From blockchain to deep learning, the packed IBM Mini Theatre gave us all a chance to delve deeper into IBM's cutting edge innovations. Whether you had a chance to join them or not, we have an exciting message from IBM to help you further your adventures in data science and beyond...


Ground Control to Major Tom: A Transmission From the IBM Universe

Thanks for stopping by in our IBM universe!

We hope you enjoyed Data Natives 2018 as much as we did. 
It was our pleasure getting in touch with you, and sharing with you how we're using Data Science and Machine Learning technologies in so many different strands of our organisation. We hope our use cases and presentations helped you think outside the box & reach for the stars.

We've put together a collection of hopefully useful material to further get you up to speed- including articles, a beginner's guide to ML, a free trial of our IBM Watson Studio, and the promised presentations we gave in our Mini Theater. 

Enjoy & let's stay in touch!
Your friends at IBM (on earth & in space)!
That's all for now, space cadets- keep your eyes on your Inboxes for the full range of DN18 slides in the coming days, and stay in touch!
Over and out,

The Data Natives Team


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