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Dear Data Natives,

At Data Natives, we often realise how time flies and “the future” closer is than we think. You remember those times you danced to ‘It wasn’t me”, by Shaggy? That song came out about twenty years ago. All those millennial babies grew up and are going to college. And today, the Data Natives 2019 conference on 21-22 November is only just a pregnancy away.

As time is rushing by, you will often wonder where you are at and where you are going. That is why we chose the theme ‘quickening’ for last year’s conference. This year, we spin it around and search for what motivates us. What makes you tick?

We at Data Natives want to ask you this year: what makes you tech?



A Brave New World

During New Year you have probably seen a lot of cynical tweets about the future. Maybe you even posted one yourself. Bellingcat-founder Eliot Higgins tweeted: ‘Remember when we thought 2018 couldn’t be worse than 2017?’

Times are confusing. From biased algorithms to companies selling our data, it all worries us. Look next to you in the subway and you will probably see someone reading a book like 1984, the Handmaid’s Tale or A Brave New World. The dystopian genre has become massively popular, as many of us are wondering where the world is heading.

That we need talk about how to put people first over technology, is what we learned during the Data Natives 2016 from Superhuman founder Louise Heinrich. Because at the end of the day, we techies are tiny gods with our own false idols, creating tech that will impact humanity. Watch her talk here.


You make me wanna tech

But there is a lot of reasons to be excited about the future. Our parents were dreaming about some machine who would do the dishes. We are looking forward to the days we can take a nap in our self driving cars.

And on a more serious note, we dream to make an impact. To gather knowledge and explore the limits. And to create a future that is sustainable, democratic, and embraces diversity. This, makes us wanna tech.


We are wondering how you see the future. What makes you tech? In the run up to the Data Natives conference 2019 we invite you to be part of this discussion.


Come meet us sooner

Are you in Amsterdam? Tel Aviv? Maybe Mosow? Or anywhere else?

We’re also looking for speakers to join our global Meetup tours 2019, this spring. Seize the opportunity to connect with your local tech scene and convey your wisdom in one of our 50+ tech hubs around the world


See you very soon,

The Data Natives Team


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