Schedule is out!

Your voices have been heard, and has all the answers!
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Oh dear, it's that time of the week again! Today, we have arguably the most exciting announcement to date - the conference schedule is finally up on the website! 

The most important part of any conference is what’s going to be discussed. Sure, networking and recruiting are great additions, but the bottom line is that if the speakers, panels, and workshops, don't deliver, your conference pretty much failed. It’s like saying that a concert was great because, even though the band sucked, you met a nice guy at coat check.

This year’s program is as diverse as it is exciting. Drawing on the lessons we learned from last year, we put together a mix of speakers and topics that aims at inspiring you, and make you ask questions about the future of the field you’re working in.

Without further ado, head to to take a look at the full schedule, and to find out more about our speakers.
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