Weekly Big Data Catch-Up


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Berlin Buzzwords is Back- Our Pick of the Events

Berlin BuzzWordsBerlin Buzzwords, ‘Germany’s most exciting conference on storing, processing and searching large amounts of digital data’, is back for a fifth year. The conference will take place on May 25-28, at Kulturbrauerei Berlin. It will feature a range of presentations on large scale computing projects, ranging from beginner-friendly talks to in-depth technical presentations about various technologies. Here is our pick of some of Buzzword’s events: Hitfox (and Dataconomy) meet Berlin Buzzwords An obvious highlight of Berlin Buzzwords will be the meetup organised by us and held in our Dataconomy HQ. “Peter Grosskopf, Chief Development Officer at HitFox Group, is going to welcome everyone and show the way we approach Big Data at HitFox. Thorsten Bleich, Chief Technology Officer at HitFox’s mobile targeting venture, Datamonk, will follow with his talk on…

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The First Prime Minister to Use Big Data

9042072796_23cc1653a8_zSince India’s Lok Sabha election results, news outlets have been debating why Congress lost so heavily to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) last Friday. Some have suggested Narendra Modi’s focus on the economy was a decisive factor in his success, while others have argued that Modi’s emphasis on infrastructure development was a key reason. However, it is unanimously agreed upon that it was Modi’s combination of technologies – big data analytics and social media (see twitter graphs below) – that separated him from other candidates like Rahul Gandhi and was crucial to his victory. Whereas the latter has garnered considerable media attention, the former has remained somewhat unexplained as a factor in Modi’s success. What makes Modi’s use of big data so impressive is that it was both relatively new…

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Big Data Saving Lives: Pioneering Blood Cancer Research

Big Data Saving Lives Blood Cancer ResearchResearchers at the University of Leeds have pioneered a data mining system for individualising blood cancer treatment, which could revolutionise all cancer care. The blood cancer research was focused around non-Hodgkin lymphoma, which affects 10,000 people in the UK annually, making it the sixth most common cancer. The system, funded by the charity Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research, stores cancer cell samples and anonymous medical records of patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma in the Yorkshire area. This will allow Doctors to tailor cancer treatment to what worked previously for people whose cancers were similar on a molecular level. David Westhead, Professor of Bioinformatics at the University of Leeds, said: “It is increasingly clear that cancer in general and lymphoma in particular is a highly variable disease. Individuals previously diagnosed in the same broad categories…

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Big Data Analytics Named Most Influential Technology for the Future

Big Data Analytics Voted Most Influential Technology for the FutureBig data analytics has a topped a survey on which disruptive technologies will have the biggest influence in three years time. The ‘Internet of Things’ and ‘Dynamic Visualisation’ came in second and third respectively. The survey, carried out Nimbus Ninety in support of their May IGNITE summit, surveyed 200 senior executives on their perceptions of disruptive enterprise trends. Caroline Boyd, director of strategy and research, commented on the trends uncovered in the report. “With tech businesses and media platforms evolving so quickly, it’s hard for businesses to keep up, but many organisations are treating this not as an obstacle to overcome, but as an opportunity to innovate. The results of our recent survey reveal just that – businesses realising the value proposition of technology and in particular, disruptive technology.” The…

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Understanding Big Data: The Seven V’s

The 7 Vs of Big DataBy now, it’s almost impossible to not have heard the term Big Data- a cursory glance at Google Trends will show how the term has exploded over the past few years, and become unavoidably ubiquitous in public consciousness. But what you may have managed to avoid is gaining a thorough understanding what Big Data actually constitutes. The first go-to answer is that ‘Big Data’ refers to datasets too large to be processed on a conventional database system. In this way, the term Big Data is nebulous- whilst size is certainly a part of it, scale alone doesn’t tell the whole story of what makes Big Data ‘big’. When looking for a slightly more comprehensive overview, many defer to Doug Laney’s 3 V’s: 1. Volume Visualisation of the spread of 250,000…

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IBM and FujiFilm Break World Record for Data Storage

7586864728_a4466d7703_zIBM and FujiFilm announced on Monday that their researchers have broken the world record in the amount of data that can be stored per square inch on Linear Tape-Open (LTO) cartridge. IBM’s demonstrations showed that FujiFilm’s “double-coated” tape could store 85.9 billion bits per square inch on areal data density on linear magnetic particulate tape. With this density, a standard tape cartridge could store 154 terabytes of uncompressed data, which would be 62 times better than existing cartridges. The news of IBM and Fujifilm’s achievement comes out of IBM’s Edge conference in Las Vegas. “Today, most storage technologies like HDD [hard-disk drive], flash, and DRAM [dynamic random access memory] are facing or will very soon face very difficult challenges to continue scaling,” said Mark Lantz, a research scientist and manager…

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