Katherine Townsend

Director for Policy
at World Wide Web Foundation Executive Director at Open Data Collaboratives

Katherine is a passionate advocate for information equity and has devoted her career to open data, government transparency, and improving technical capacity in the social sector. She currently serves as COO for data.org, dedicated to building the field of data science for social impact. With a background in policy development, public-private-partnerships, and civic tech, Katherine supports organizations across the globe to improve in-person and online connections for social entrepreneurship, local growth, and data justice. She has worked in Tanzania, Ghana, and the UAE with national governments to open data and engage with civil society. She served in the U.S. Department of State and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) under President Obama’s innovation and transparency initiative, building technology and collaboration in US foreign policy and standing up with a fantastic team the enduring open data policy for USAID. Katherine currently lives and bikes about Washington D.C. and variously doomscrolls and tweets @DiploKat.

2022, 2020