Antje Barth

Developer Advocate, AI and Machine Learning
at Amazon Web Services

Antje is a Developer Advocate for AI and Machine Learning at Amazon Web Services (AWS) based in Düsseldorf, Germany. She is co-author of the O’Reilly Book, “Data Science on AWS”.
Antje is also co-founder of the Düsseldorf chapter of Women in Big Data. Antje frequently speaks at AI and Machine Learning conferences, online events and meetups around the world. Besides ML/AI, Antje is passionate about helping developers leverage Big Data, container and Kubernetes platforms in the context of AI and Machine Learning.
Previously, Antje worked in technical evangelism and solutions engineering at MapR and Cisco.

TALK: Putting your Machine Learning on Autopilot
Data Science Stage
Live on November 19, 2020 11:25 am CET