Eyal Matzkel

Senior Director of Engineering
at AVIV Group

I am a veteran leader with experience in a wide collection of areas. I am a Data Scientist and Software Engineer in practice. I specialize in empowering people with ownership and trust. I have experience with back-end and front-end systems, SaaS and microservices. I have extensive experience with two-sided marketplaces and have also worked in on Anti-Virus, Web Security, and Anti-Spam Cybersecurity solutions. I rely a lot on my background in data and draw from past experience with roles ranging from coding through product, BI and design.

I have recruited and mentored many developers, researchers and security analysts. I have managed teams ranging in experience, composition and size. I have started new teams and reformed existing ones. I am a quick and curious learner. I’ve been a follower of Agile methodologies (Kanban) for the last few years.