Florent Kirchner is a senior scientist and the Director of the Cybersecurity Program of the List institute at CEA. He received a Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2007 from Ecole Polytechnique, where he designed and built interoperable proof systems, in collaboration with the formal methods team at NASA. After a year prototyping the Evidential Tool Bus at SRI International in Menlo Park, Florent joined Inria in Rennes, working on Java bytecode analysis tools. He joined CEA in 2011 as a member of the Software Safety and Security Laboratory, building the Frama-C software analysis platform. He became List’s cybersecurity program director in 2014, coordinating the efforts of a group of 60 scientists working on the research and development of next-generation cybersecurity approaches, and the associated dissemination and communication activities at regional, national, and European levels. Since 2019 he is the strategic director of the SPARTA cybersecurity competence network pilot.
Florent Kirchner
Cybersecurity Program Lead
at CEA