Mark Mattingley-Scott

IBMQ Ambassador EMEA
at IBM Deutschland

Mark Mattingley-Scott has a Bachelor of Science with Joint Honours in Computing and Electronics, and a Doctor of Philosophy on the subject of Code Division Multiple Access Local Area Networks from the University of Durham, combined with 34 years experience in the commercial exploitation of technology and research.

As a Principal at IBM he is specialised in the identification, nurturing and development of technological innovation, with a primary focus on Big Data Analytics, Neuromorphic Computing and Quantum Computing. He has developed several new business areas and transferred these into IBM’s services and solutions business. He is an active member of IBM’s worldwide patent assessment team, and the IBM Student Admissions and Supervision program. Since its inception in 2017, he has been a leading member of IBM’s Quantum Ambassador team, responsible for raising awareness of Quantum Computing and developing business opportunities throughout EMEA.

He currently teaches human & machine learning at the Institute for Cognitive Science at the University of Osnabrück. He was a member of staff at the University of Frankfurt where he taught Cognitive Science and Media Anthropology, at the University of Applied Sciences in Mannheim where he taught Intercultural Management and IT Management and the Ludwig-Maximilian’s University in Munich where he taught Analytical Methods.

He is a director of the Frankfurt Institute for New Media and a senior member of the IEEE, having founded the German chapter of the Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society, and chair of the IEEE Public Policy Committee subgroup on Quantum Computing. He is the Chairman of the Big Data working group at BITKOM, the German IT and Telecommunication Industry Association.