Vince Madai

Senior Medical AI Researcher at Charité, CSO
at ai4medicine

Vince is  Senior Medical AI Researcher at Charité with an M.D., a Ph.D. in Medical Neuroscience and an M.A. in Medical Ethics, and I am also CSO at ai4medicine. His focus includes AI-research, AI-ethics, data science, neuroimage post-processing and clinical research. He has been the scientific lead of the “Predictive Modelling in Medicine” research group at Charité as well as the Prediction2020 project ( and the PRECISE4Q project ( He has special expertise in the ethics of AI, especially bias and upcoming regulations for AI products. Moreover, he is the expert council of the Good Technology Collective (GTC, and an associate editor of the interdisciplinary Delphi Journal ( He is also the organizer of the “Machine Learning in Healthcare” meetup in Berlin(