Urška Jež has wealth of experience of hands-on executive management of connectivity of start-ups and enterprise world. In her rich business past she co-founded and managed a startup acclerator ABC Accelerator Ljubljana, was a marketing manager at Litostroj PTS, general manager at Modriani print house, Parkelj forklifts, Akana printery, foreign market developer for several companies, such as logistic company Kobal transporti, medical device company San.Ko.M. and John Deere Forestry Slovenia and consultant and supervisor for many other internationally oriented companies. She has coached and connected more than 150 start-ups and organized more than 60 hackathons – off line and online. Her tech background makes her one of few female leaders in the region that can consult and support startups on technology as well as leadership and business development. Today, she focuses on training, coaching and consulting to scaleup startps, SME’s and enterprise companies sharing her rich knowledge and network to her customers. Urška’s goal within her work is always to establish an open and dynamic culture of open communication, trust and high engagement of teams to establish the impossible. Never afraid to move boundaries and set new opportunities. More of an “out of the box thinker” and highly goal oriented. With a strong stress in team work. Empowering people to create lasting impact.
Apart from running the Transformation Lighthouse she currently also serves as Senior Consultant and Partner in Enterprise Development Group from Palo Alto, US. She is also actively engaged in the EUvsVirus Steering committee – the sequel of EUvsVirus Hackathon and EUvsVIrus Matchathon.